
I’m re reading the patternist series right now and can’t believe these books haven’t been made into a series...I’ve read everything she wrote many times over and have a signed copy of patternmaster. Even had a copy of survivor until I lost it. Love her writing. Much missed.

I don’t want to be mean or anything but...

This is the exact definition of a first world problem and personification of all that is bad in Hollywood right now. It’s McCarthyism but for gender and it’s bonkers. It’s just a film ffs...

The word here is alleged. Innocent until proven guilty. This trial by media is nothing more than Mcarthyism and I’m sure we will look back at this period with regret. If there’s evidence send them to trial and put them away.

I think it’s fantastic and lives up to Trek in every way.

Great news. I’d pretty much watch anything with Michelle Yeoh in it. Or marry her or whatever..

Well that’s my day off sorted. Blackpool is only an hour away from Bolton. My wife is the double of Jodie so it will be cool to get a picture of them together.

I only watch him in things where he dies. It’s the only way I can get through his annoying accent. Knowing he’s about to die makes it bearable,

And now I’ll watch Suicide squad. Good move Warner...bad move for Guardians.

So now I’ll have two reasons I won’t watch it.

I don’t believe this is true as you’ve written it. I don’t avoid black films because there is black people in it, just because they are usually not my type of film. I loved black panther, I don’t think of it as a black film, it’s a film about a Black Country. One day we won’t talk about race and then we’ll know true

All these theories that Bond is a code name so anyone, male, femal, black or white can be bond discounts one key fact. Those that own the bond franchise are not going to do anything so radical with this huge and valuable property. Bond as one person throughout has been established and to make it otherwise would

See I can see both sides here. On one hand, the more we go on about it the more we make it an issue yet ignore it and it allows the problem to fester.

Man I’m glad I’m not you. I loved every second of it and can’t wait for season two.

Is anyone playing Stephen King in the film? Maybe he drags people into a universe where these stories happen that he controls? Hence all the characters from his old stories?

It’s the cult of the stupid. If enough people say that’s what he meant then that’s what he ends up meaning. Black mirror shit.

What a load of rubbish. The NHS has been badly funded by every party and was just as bad under Tony Bliar. It needs to go private to weed out all of the wasted money. Just because it is privately run doesn’t mean how we pay for it will change, free at the posing of use and paid for by NI will stay. Look up the stats

Or...they could remake it but with ANSWERS this time that don’t involve...oh they are D...spoilers ha ha

Love the backtracking in this article. It seems the whole fucking world has forgot about innocent until PROVED guilty. It’s akin to McCarthyism the way no one dare defend men accused of these crimes. Do men proposition women? Yes. Is some of it inappropriate? Yes. Are they all traumatised? No.

I’m going to finally fix one of my character flaws and stop being so competitive...I’m better than that.