
Lets be honest, if it ever looked like conscripting 18 year old women would realisticly be on the table, all you would get would be a baby boom.

If you think that getting soldiers to fight in a war is easy, maybe you should study history a little better.

Raising the age is inefficent. Why waste resourses on someone who is just going to get there head blown off? Spend 3 years schooling or training a dead man for what return?

Registering for the draft is like signing up to go to mars, if it ever happened the list would be ignored anyway. So what is the big deal?

Holy crap! You make it sound like these women wanted to put a bowl of condoms in the nurses office. What these lunatics wanted was a full on doctors office and surgical suite in the local middle school. Oral contraceptives, Depo-Provera, IUDs, and arm implants!!!??? That stuff needs a medical exam and prescription, at