
There's currently a dispute in my group as to whether they count as named characters.

Ugh, I put $40 down on the under. Did you guys count the murdered Frey as deaths for the total over/under on deaths?

Mine is Empire Records. Hands down

Er, slight correction (sorry to be annoying!), Jonathan's blood didn't open the seal because there wasn't enough of it.

Can someone clarify (as my friends and I have our own tiny version of this going based on your rules and odds), does the over/under have to be for any death, or for deaths with names?

Big Fish. The book is mediocre at best, and it's characters are sort of bitter and hard to relate to. The movie is beautiful, and gets at the heart of the best ideas in the novel. I remember it as Tim Burton's last great work, before he and Johnny went off the rails.

Also, did anyone get a nostalgic tear in their eye when Edward James Olmos said "Dammit, I'm still the commander of this ship!" Hell yeah ya are, buddy.

So you think they'll introduce Hellfire by the end of the season?

Why would they have that feature if I couldn't do that?

I think the reason that Clara feels undefined is because she is defined by the people she loves and is trying to protect. Clara understands, even if she doesnt say it to Danny, that part of the reason she travels with the Doctor is because he needs her to be his conscience. This a valid personality type, and a common

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Lily and Marshall. However, I think one of the things that makes HIMYM unique is also what people hate about it: it treats relationships realistically. It did this with Lily and Marshall by pulling them apart whenever they started to take it each other for granted (as tends to happen in real

I disagree that the point of the episode is unclear throughout. You touch on this, but seem to not see it as a persistent thread from start to finish: the Doctor is uncomfortable with his own role as a hero, and therefore denies the very existence of heroes. This was obvious to me from the beginning of the episode

It's almost astonishing how bad this is considering how much potential it had.

Well, yeah. They basically stopped developing her character when she became that crazy, angel, thing. Gaius, Lee and Bill are probably the characters that grow the most in the last season.

Favorite characters that appear in the mini-series, in order of their awesomeness:

If you wanted to add women, Buffy and Kara Thrace could have easily made this list.

I could have gone my whole life without learning the term "Pimple Pom Poms". Thanks, internet.