I am not your senorita

Uh... Do you know any people who live in New Jersey?

he’s extraordinarily unpopular in jersey

Sign number eight bajillion and seventy-eleventh that I’m a blackhearted bitch: When I saw the green cups this morning, I was legitimately delighted when I realized how many people were going to be PIIIIISSED at the lack of red cups right now.

I feel like the promotion of this season—the tease at the end of last season’s episode (after folks publicly promised it would end with the kill), then the months of promos featuring Negan with the bat—was ghoulish. Glad they didn’t kill off Maggie for a multitude of reasons, but the way they’re selling the dark

This is art.

OR...who THEY were carrying?!?!

Yeah, except for the whole kitten thing.

If Buffy taught us anything, it’s that some demons are pretty alright.

Oh I must have missed the part where Turmp declares his intention to grab her by her inner goddess

If we’re blaming Game of Thrones does that mean I can challenge him to trial by combat?

Apparently consent and fiction are both foreign concepts to these people.

What are they even trying to get at with this pathetic attempt to derail? That women reading erotica is somehow corrupting men? Women enjoying their sexuality makes it okay for men to rape them?

Something, something pussies, zzzzzzzz

I dislike Boehner but he can only be watching the television and thanking whatever dark gods he worships that he isn’t in the hot seat right now.

Out of everything that came out of this election cycle, the most baffling to me is the redefining of the word ‘endorse’.

‘I won’t campaign with him. I won’t support him. I won’t defend him. But I will endorse him.’ WHAT. DOES. THAT. EVEN. MEAN?

I’m a Hill staffer, and I’ve worked in politics since the late 1990s. (I’ve only worked with Dan Pfeiffer, and while he wasn’t bad, he wasn’t that great either.)

I’d rather talk about the clown we all love and need more then ever- Homie the Clown.

And for the love of God, don’t ask the White House about these fake clowns.