I am not your senorita

Me two or three weeks ago being sure I wouldn’t be satisfied with the ending due to all the red herrings King kept throwing at the audience.

Whenever I talk to my mother about an old neighbor who is the primary care-giver to his kids (because his wife has a better paying job and has to be out of town a lot), she calls him “Mr. Mom”. Every time I respond with, “You mean a parent, right? Like he’s being a dad?”. Fills me with rage.

This actress reminds me SO much of Juliet Landau. I keep hoping for some Drusilla-level crazy from Clementine’s character.

I just got real emotional watching that trailer. It’s been a rough few weeks.

Kind of disappointed that nothing terrible happened to Dean and his hair curtains. Like couldn’t there have been a tractor accident or something? Can the show please just acknowledge that he was an emotionally abusive butthole? All this “perfect first boyfriend” crap makes me want to barf. Also #teamlogan all the way.

If only.

Yeah. That was the first thing my eyes were drawn to..... and now I need to scoop them out. That is one thirsty white woman.

Yeah no. His approval ratings are something like 21%. The last time I think I heard anyone say something good about him was during the Sandy recovery when he did his damn job and played nice with Obama.

This fills my heart with glee. Really hoping Drive-By Truckers contribute since their new album is already a collection of some great protest songs, and they are very outspoken critics of the Trump nonsense.

Have you seen a chaos demon? All slime and antlers.