
Nah, they're french(lower case on purpose). My last neighbor had 2 standard poodles(big lads) and you thought they'd be cool but they were just kind of assholes.

Dog show DUAN! Most hated breed? I used to live next to 2 boston terriers. Little motherfuckers.

You didn't seem that serious.

That'a big fucking pot.

Can't talk- I have to watch The Voice.

Guinness after tennis(Feb 3rd in VA - outside!), Fat Tire Amber at my new favorite dive.

It looks like the Tijuana team is the only one left on the field.

Sadly, Ninjas are out drinking on Fridays. You have to admit though, that those were some hilarious text messages.

I'm with you on the Celebration Ale. It'd probably be a great beer if you had to nurse one beer all night. I don't generally run into that problem.


Stop the presses neatly summarizes Paul Westhead's defensive philosophy.

I like it.

Dick. I was going to make that tomorrow, but I'm a few people short. Carnitas instead.

Excellent job over at Gawker. You guys are A.J.'s Seal Team 6. Just with actual seals instead of commandos.

For the love of God Emma!, don't ask what he's wearing when he listens to that.

Pretty good.

The balls toll for thee...

Same guy. Pics are of a lefty - he wears his watch on right wrist. Looks like the same watch too.

Scapegoating is reductive

If that guy was from Vandy he would haveused an actual teabag.