Groundhogs don’t do that. It was rabid.
He’s taller than I thought. Let’s hope he doesn’t end up looking like Eric.
The shrimp? A sharp, sharp paring knife. If you’re righty hold the shrimp in your left hand with your palm facing up and the tail out between your left thumb and index finger. You should be able slice a nice arc through the back with your really sharp paring knife, and it’s easy to make it tail on or tail off. I do…
You need a machete for the honeysuckle and the vines - cut right through the roots. Only $20, and you feel like a hero. Actually, more like an antihero.
The dryer is always closest to the exterior wall because of the exhaust vent. Fact.
(Sorry if I stepped on your joke)
And it came rather quickly.
I’m 6'4". I won’t fit, will I?
My Doc told me the difference: if you feel bad you’re sick; if you feel like you’re going to die, you have the flu.
Gronk only pawn in game of life.
You are correct. I can’t say anything else.
The more you expose yourself to poison ivy, the more likely you are to have an allergic reaction, and the worse that reaction will be each succeeding time. Then you can find out how your body tolerates prednisone!
Cook the whole package, refrigerate the leftovers, then microwave as needed the next few days
I was there, not as a protester, I live and work in downtown Charlottesville. The majority of these guys were nazis and klan. Sorry to upset your narrative.
I’m pretty sure that’s a 727, probably at least 40 years old. That’s a dangerous way to save some money.
Trailways actually bought Greyhound, and took over their name.
That Ford step really makes sitting on the tailgate comfortable, so your feet don’t just dangle. I never use the post.
I think it’s a ‘77 Bird - might be off by a year or two. My family used to have one, we named it Mike. Just a normal pleasant fellow. All of the weight was in front and yet every single one of these I’ve seen has that squatty ass. How I didn’t kill myself driving that thing on the Taconic Parkway in the snow is still…
That’s just not his metier, sir or madam, I can’t definitively tell.