
I also wasn't against the invasion in principle, but later revelations showed that, pretty much from the beginning of the war on terror, the US was engaged in torture and other war crimes. So in retrospect, I would have been opposed to it.

Based on your comments, you clearly didn't understand the point of his preface at all.

Just a look at Bush's post-9/11 approval rating tells you that a huge majority of Americans supported Bush during the initial invasion of Afghanistan. If we ignored anyone who passively supported the war on terror in 2001, there wouldn't be many people left to listen to.

Amazing considering he didn't support Ron Paul for president in 2012. I guess you stopped reading before he wrote this:

The sad thing is, if you actually read the preface of the book, instead of that paragraph written by some random amazon employee, it becomes perfectly clear that he barely followed politics at all until well after Sept 11th, and merely echoed the conventional wisdom at the time.

Indeed, that was his main criticism. And, unable to argue with that, his detractors had to twist that argument into "any movie that shows torture must support torture".

Great episode. Ron's childhood story was hilarious:

These AMAs are amazing.

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus  It's completely untrue that Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac had a huge subprime portfolio relative to the private sector. The private sector had hundreds of billions in bad subprime loans and that's before you take into account the way they multiplied the risk with CDOs and

Any cow strip is great

I actually have that Far Side collection, and you're right on all counts.

So many brilliant Far Sides

Not as good as the Keep Fishin' video

The Fray