Shlomo: Master of inpetitude

I hate this mindset. DLC can be awesome, it just depends on how it's done. No one complained about expansion packs back when they were the way to do this. It's just cool to complain about DLC. Using the DLC platform to add extra content to a game after release is perfectly fine, and anyone who complains just because

biggest flop in gaming history? Surely you have such refine gaming taste. Plus you must be a kiddy who didn't experience a shit ton of games or..... Just another typical destiny hater. I'll go with both.

Screw the Ruin Sentinals and their stupid lucerne hammers. Lucerne hammers are dumb weapons.

Some DLC is great, though. BioWare's DLC has been wonderful since the first Mass Effect, with their only real miss being the Pinnacle Station DLC for that game. The DLC for Dragon Age 2 was even better than the base game!

I never used humble bundle before, but I'm drumming my finger in anticipation for my PayPal money to come through right now. Force Unleashed 1 and 2, and all the other great games? For just 12€+?! Shut up and take my charity!

Sorry chap, but the first comment will be sold as seperate DLC you need to pay 20$ for.

First time I looked at this image, I thought Superman was delivering Wonder Woman a crushing back breaker.

Now I've seen everything.

Where will I steal my canned air keyboard duster spray from now on?

If America Chavez isn't in this book, what is even the point.

What do you say to some one you hate?

Actually, the Nightstalker Zombie mode plays like all of the infected classes of L4D rolled up into one nice neat package. So it has that going for it as well.

Did Steve tell ya that?

I might be a little sore about this whole PENDING APPROVAL thing.

I think all the characters should have a stripper skin!

Nope, I'm not complaining that this is click-bait. It was a well thought-out piece on what he liked and didn't like about his time with the game.

All games need horse autopilot. Seriously. Just find a path, hold a button, and the horse does the rest. I could get used to this.

I have both of those games. Neither of them are particularly interesting to me either. Divinity pushes my graphics card way too hard for reasons I can't even fully understand, so I'm also hesitant to play it too much for fear my building might explode.

"As mentioned previously, all proceeds will go to Save the Children Japan, with Sony matching the amount raised by the console."