Shlomo: Master of inpetitude

Meh, agree to disagree?

Thousands were killed.

Hue hue hue!

Hate train in this case is the logical train. The game is crap.

CALLED IT! GOW with magic SUCKS!

Take a slow look at what he replied to.

They can't prevent the harassers from obtaining the streamers info from the means they claimed they used. They don't control Paypal or Amazon. So how is it exactly their fault?
And why are you more focused on blaming the service rather than the people actually doing the harassing?

Dark Souls II: "The Dark Soul: Earn all achievements." Percentage of players who own it: 1.9%

Eh the real problem is that ports are more focused on currently then new games. Which makes the new console users feel like they wasted money on stuff they already had.


The only people that will harm are the streamers... Especially since they arent getting the info from either youtube or twitchTv...

I want a game that doesn't even play itself. Wait...

You'd be surprised.

I highly doubt that you have friends.

Black face cracks me up. Aint even mad.

The problem here is that what is minor and major is subjective in this case, To someone who likes the game, and the character, it isn't minor.

Why must you intentionally spur the fanboy wars. HAVE YOU NO INTEGRITY WOMAN?

Didnt that happen with Watchdogs?

Just imagine a giant banner that says BALLS!

You forgot to use Ironic quotes on the word "Actual".
Cause that shit couldn't be anymore fake.

Thanks I was thinking of getting rid of one or two, five is too high of a number of friends to have.