Shlomo: Master of inpetitude

Been rockin a dell inspiron xpsl702 for the last 6 years and up til last year i could run most games on medium to high, no problems with windows (even with w8 dispite the incompatibility). Unless you bought a super cheap one (which of course there are gonna be problems) the problem is on your end brah.

I hope there's some Com Truise in the music selections.

Stop fighting you're gonna wake up the baby!!

Or people who don't like Mobas; you're acting nor better than the OP.

Will this one have a "nuke canada" button as well?

Tom Cruise?

No rational human would believe that this is real.

Is that that friggin church in Gary Indiana that people are always takin pictures and whatnot in (They've filmed a couple movies (think one of the transformers and freddy kruger movies) there too)?

I recently heard that it collapsed.

That rail road spike up you arse must hurt alot m8.

Stay based Kojima, Stay based.

Fanservice has meaning outside of sexual context fyi. Simply means putting something in for the purpose of the audience, whether it be a reference to something else or panty shots.

Not enough pasta in the game 2/10.

Destiny wasnt as bad as you make it seem.

Try thinking about it without using your common sense and then it'll make sense.


You Only Destiny Once


I got a 2k budget for a gamming laptop (Yeah a laptop! Come at me!) I got selections in mind, but if anyone had any good input (being price and/or quality) on decent rigs lemme know!

It gets around 600 Chocobopower to the gallon mate.

You're killing my buzz faster then cheap beer, mate.

The reason shes dressed as such is they are going for the Hawaiian spiritual type feel with this character.