She is a hanger-on. Who would probably have helped her career more if she'd visited him while in jail.
She is a hanger-on. Who would probably have helped her career more if she'd visited him while in jail.
He took me shopping for eyeglass frames, then we got salt water taffy and went to his place and arranged all of his shoes by personality. He made me walk home. : (
I'm only joking. I have never been on a date with Drake and neither has my Polish grandmother. (But babcia is single. If you're reading this, Drake, call her.)
yah? we went to the county fair. he bought me a twice-fried twinkie. and at the end of the night he kissed me on the cheek :/
Seriously. I've even been on a few dates with Drake. (We went to the cinema. Nothing happened.)
It's time those boys dropped the pretense.
When you have a history of being physically abusive, the "I've caused scars" metaphor sounds especially sinister.
I just realized she looks like a real-life Bratz doll.
Chris Brown and Drake should date
I think that there is an element of truth to this. Intellectually weak, willfully ignorant, and simple, certainly. Perhaps also overly loyal in a misguided way. He was complicit in a lot of awful things and should be held accountable, or at least called out repeatedly. However, I think the real evil presences in that…
Remakes are usually mistakes. That said, they should have gone with Kathy Griffin.
So I watched this movie yesterday, because my roommate somehow got a hold of a leaked copy. All I can say is it was 100% ten millions kinds of AWESOME... except Cameron Diaz. I appreciated the effort, but she was so wrong for the role on so many levels. Every other actor sold the shit out of their parts and…
Politically I don't like W but he was a very entertaining POTUS. The news was like a crazy reality show where they let some random guy run a country for eight years and for an even zanier twist they gave him a dark lord of the Sith for a VP. I loved him in Alexandra Pelosi's Journeys With George. They should have gave…
Read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein. It doesn't prove he was a bad guy, but it sort of give you two options:
"Bush was an absolute idiot who was masterfully manipulated by free market radicals who disguised their ideology as populist."
You know you fucked up real bad when even George W. Bush, and Bill O'Reilly find it "hard to understand" why you didn't indict the officer, with a video of the murder, and a use of a banned technique.
Everything Bush II has done since leaving office has confirmed two things for me: 1) Bush is a simpleminded guy who only sat in the White House to please his daddy, and 2) Bush is not a bad man; which, considering the things his administration did only solidifies my belief that Dick Cheney is the goddamned devil.
In the same interview, Bush called Clinton his "brother from another mother," but he's sure his actual brother Jeb Bush would definitely defeat his "sister-in-law" Hillary Clinton in a potential 2016 presidential race.
I watched part of the interview. I really never thought Bush was a bad guy- a bad president, but I think he was always well intentioned. He just should have done something other than go into politics.