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She is criticized not for having feminism thoughts but for support Megalian tumblbug project(a kind of crowdfunding in Korea) that sue Facebook for deleting their Megalian 4 Facebook account, and that T-shirt is the reward of it(

korea has been a patriarchal society for a while, and as a country of bureaucracy, they have imbedded such ideas very heavily. thus women are naturally seen as inferior and sex objects by many men(sexual harassment seems to be worse in SK than in NY imo), either consciously or unconsciously. naturally women started

As a Brazilian living in Korea, I felt what Megalia was like.

Recently a young Korean woman was slaughtered like an animal by a guy because he felt women weren’t giving him the respect he was due as a man. He didn’t know her. She was just the woman he decided was going to pay for his ego. Korean men who could easily pass for the average geekbro commenter here on Kotaku protested