
That “might get a horse” comment made me chuckle.

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”

In February 2015, Kotaku composer Jason Schreier wrote 12 Successful Kickstarters That Never Delivered. Two and a half years later—and stop me if you’ve heard this one before—that story’s update is nowhere to be found.

I feel violated

I came into this article thinking there’d be a Mecha-Daigo, or Shadow-Daigo involved but was disappointed.

I enjoy some of the trash talk in the Street Fighter scene, but the classy reaction from both players here is a nice counterbalance.

So I guess the guns were inside us all the time huh?