
I had the same thought as you

Thank you so much for writing exactly what I’ve been thinking

I think this has happened enough times to say that Amazon is no longer reliable for pre-orders. If you want it release day, you’ll have to order it somewhere else

I’ll bet people from that era of japanese history wouldn’t trust modern day japanese people to get it right either, but they’re not around to say so

I appreciated the emphasis on acting in the trailer, instead of just action. I hope that carries over to the game as well

I know what you mean. It’s like the entire AAA game industry is trying as hard as it can to lose my interest

I don’t know about you, but for me, just worrying about whether they are effecting the game is enough to ruin the fun for me.

Vegas casinos should set up their slot machines to give you a tic tac every time you play, in addition to your chance to win. Presto, now they’re not gambling! Bring the kids!

I’m always surprised how little value companies put on customer goodwill.

The DMCA is not a weapon for people to use against people you disagree with. If you think you have a right to keep him from streaming your game, find a relevant way to enforce that right

If this guy is in charge of making decisions about the direction of Playstation then they have definitely lost their way

I think it’s cool that everyone is trying so hard to see both sides in this thread, but this seems pretty black and white to me

As an owner of a Rift WITH the controllers, allow me to recommend that you buy the touch controllers. They totally change the experience, making it something much more worthy of all the hype surrounding VR.

Awesome, Diablo 1 was my favorite of the three. It made up in atmosphere what it didn’t have in gameplay in my opinion, which was reversed in the sequels. Might look in to buying Reaper of Souls now.

As a guy who just wants to play zelda and mario games on my tv with a normal controller, I didn’t find much to be hopeful about here.

Hey, even after this trailer we’ve said nothing about this game beyond the title, and the release/delay date isn’t for a year, but...preorder now I guess?

So excited for this game, reminds me of all the best puzzle games I’ve enjoyed in the past. It would have been a day one purchase for me at $60, at $40 it feels like I’m getting a discount.