
He has tape on his nose. Boxing 🥊 is in his future.

If people don’t start calling him Doogie Bowser, the world has no soul.

I prefer to play KnifySpoony.

I personally enjoyed this game. The only disappointment I felt was in all the promo videos leading up to release, there was this underlying tone of how you would build your outposts and colonies up, how the arcs would allow more of the space station to be built and useable. They gave the impression of colonies that…

This issue has been fixed. Names are beside each contact picture now. The big issues are no pictures or videos in messages and no group chat. Also no way to archive old messages.

If the manufacturer still offered a PS1 then you might have a valid point. Also, the backwards compatibility mostly really needs an emulator. That’s it. An emulator. If a bunch of people can build emulators in their home computer labs, what is the real fiscal cost to Sony to throw a software emulator onto a PS4 for…

If they decide to make a fix, it should just add fire tracks in the sand when it disappears, but don’t fix the fact it disappears.

Actually, it’s considered a league in the anime and its trainers tougher than Indigo League trainers. Nowhere is it listed as an inferior league.