
The gays do that too.

Hillary Clinton had Officer Pantaleo choke Eric Garner to death because he found the secret emails about Benghazi.

/adjusts bigger nerd glasses

*Swings and breaks bat*
Sensei! No!

When Wasserman-Schultz overturned Obama’s ban on lobbying within the Democratic Party’s own primaries, she quietly and effectively undermined what Obama was able to do in salvaging his own party’s electoral process.

*making sweet love to the country, please.

I kinda want one of those. It would go great with my Nirvana t-shirt

You’re not alone. I am always surprised she can fill the audience.

Now playing

Okay, but it’s not really news that Wendy Williams is a fucking idiot. Doesn’t everyone remember Alyssa Milano’s (fantastic) appearance on her show, where she challenged Williams on her bullshit stance on public breastfeeding? (Williams’s dumbass opinion is that that women shouldn’t breastfeed publicly because ... she

Conversely, I haven’t changed my mind about Wendy Williams

That just shows how little you know about us True Americans, Alejandro.

As a sign of solidarity, Wambach’s former teammate Hope Solo murdered a homeless man.

I don’t feel bad about all the diabetes I’m going to get since it’s part of an election.

Not how eyes work.

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

Are we back to serious posts? :(

I thought this guy wrote for Jezebel?

Given the state of my love life, probably with an audible sigh of relief.
