
Go bernie go!! Thank you for all of your hard work in exposing our fucked up “democracy” Revolution is necessary. The only difference between HRC and Trump is that he is transparent. She will continue to sell our country to the highest bidder, send our children to war and ruin the environment. Her bitter supporters

dems deserve to implode

have you met the man? cause he’s not a “delusional narcissistic prick”. Methinks you might be projecting....

lol, i’m laughing at YOU not him.

like war? like selling fracking around the world? yeah, pragmatic

if it walks like a duck


dude has no ego. which you would know if you could look beyond your nose

he’s had the same message his whole career. unlike HRC.

you are funny. but you clearly are not happy. sorry for you

“took advantage of the very Party apparatus” smart move, I say.

hillary is a terrible option. don’t believe the hype and don’t drink the koolaid and try to check your bitterness. maybe go for a run or do yoga

so much bitter

bitter much?