Why do you have pipes with holes drilled in them?
Why do you have pipes with holes drilled in them?
If it makes me less of a man in your eyes to not change my own oil, I can live with that. I also don't hunt my own food, or build my own shelter. Does that make me less of a man too?
Hugo Chavez's government funds FARC, the Colombian narco-terrorist group. How do you think they found these guys so fast? They're probably on the government payroll. They just chose the wrong target this time
Following policy does not always mean that you did nothing wrong. If a sexual assault is reported to you by an eyewitness, the right thing to do is to call the police and let them sort it out. And don't think it's a coincidence that Sandusky left the coaching staff right after the first allegation. Everyone, including…
If Penn Sate really wants to make a statement, they will fire Joe Paterno before they play another game. He may not be charged with anything, but he sure as hell knew what Sandusky was doing and is just as culpable as the other Penn State officials being charged.
Advising the Mets to resign Jose Reyes? You must really hate the Mets.
It's only a demand issue because Apple didn't dedicate enough servers to Siri in the first place. For a company that is sitting on so much money, it must have been a conscious decision to only have enough server capacity to support the 4S (and it seems like they underestimated the demand on those devices).
And this is why people hate soccer. NFL players like Leonard Little and Donte Stallworth are man enough to do their own drunk driving
If this were an experimental treatment for something like cancer, I'm sure the docs would do it for free, knowing that they could make a ton of money on future surgeries if they were successful. But how many people really have scrotal elephantiasis?
Not to oversimplify it, but democracy only exists around election time. We live in a democratic republic, which means we elect people to run the country as they see fit, hoping that we elected someone that shares our values and ideals. If they don't, we vote them out and find someone who does. There are some states…
You're a prime example of why this "99%" meme is ridiculous on it's face. You've led a successful life by working hard for what you have. Your life is not impacted at all by the wealth held by the Koch brothers, or Warren Buffet, or any of the other strawmen these protesters decide to trot out on any given day.
I carry a set of Smith and Wesson with the push pin double lock rather than the older model with the sliding one. The older ones are definitely easier to double lock from either side, but I haven't had to cuff a non-compliant suspect yet, which makes it easier to make sure I put them on the right way.
All kidding aside, have you ever actually tried to unlock yourself when cuffed behind your back? It's not as easy as it sounds if the cuffs are applied correctly.
Sorry, I should have phrased it better: The players didn't speak up and refute the allegations. Beckett, Lester, and Lackey could have spoken out if the allegations were untrue. Or they could have explained why they didn't think it was a problem (although the results kinda speak for themselves).
You're intentionally missing the point, right? The issue isn't how he played. It's that if he felt comfortable complaining in public he was most likely doing it a lot in private as well. That speaks to a lack of leadership inside the clubhouse, which seems to have been a pretty big issue for the 2011 Sox. Not only on…
I can understand the players not wanting to play a doubleheader coming off of a long road trip, but, as the article pointed out, they won both games. You would think that the wins would have washed away any animosity over the decision. I guess it just shows how bad things had gotten that winning two games and getting…
I don't think it really matters. If they really want the contents of your cellphone they'll just Cellbrite it, which bypasses passwords and most encryption.
If I recall correctly, the reason they didn't release the Honeycomb source is because they didn't want manufacturers using it on phones, which would have ended up happening.
So in other words, if you set off the metal detector and you had this card, you wouldn't be screened any further. Do I have it right? Because that doesn't at all address the problem I mentioned, which is someone with one of these cards could very easily hide a weapon as well.
So in your scenario the TSA would ignore a metal detector alarm if someone had one of those "approved" IDs? Again, I'm not sure how that stops someone from hiding a gun (or any other metallic weapon) in the same area as the implant. Even with some kind of background check to go along with this approved card, you still…