I know my post was difficult to read, being split into two paragraphs and all. But I think you missed the second part, where I said the card means absolutely nothing as far as screening is concerned.
I know my post was difficult to read, being split into two paragraphs and all. But I think you missed the second part, where I said the card means absolutely nothing as far as screening is concerned.
As someone who used to work for the TSA, I can tell you that it's not at all sketchy that they "wouldn't even let her show them the card." If she wasn't cleared, she wasn't permitted to touch any of her belongings. If the card was in her belongings, she wasn't allowed to access it.
Am I the only one who always thought Carl Crawford was overrated? Brett Gardner does almost everything Crawford does for a lot less money.
Why would the young players stick their necks out to get involved in this mess? They've already made an absurd amount of money as it is, and to the best of our knowledge don't have a stable of illegitimate kids to feed.
"Turning quite sad"? This was sad the moment this idiot decided to write to Deadspin and show the lengths to which he would go to try to get some pussy and fail miserably. This situation definitely falls under the tough shitsky rule. It's his card, and he's responsible for the charges. End of story
In all fairness, I don't recall anyone celebrating after that guy shot up the summer camp. There are, however, many videos out there of crowds of people in the Middle East celebrating on 9/11.
I waited ten minutes in line the other day at Wal Mart because the girl in front of me, with a giant, expensive-looking tattoo across her shoulders and an iPhone 4, was using her WIC checks to buy milk. The "poor" have it pretty good in this country.
If anything I thought Jason showed a lot of maturity in the entire situation. He tried to fight his feelings for as long as he could to spare Hoyt's feelings. When he finally gave in, he tried to take the easy way out (trying to get Jessica to glamour him), but eventually fessed up and took his lumps like a man.
The eyebrows actually counteract the marriage, leaving his killer instinct intact
That's the beauty of modern file sharing services like Limewaire or Bittorrent: You're usually simultaneously uploading and downloading. That means that your run of the mill child porn collector can now also be prosecuted for distribution, which will get them a lot more time in prison than simple possession.
"We started fighting, because that other girl didn't like my mouth," said Darricka Maddox."
When did the word bro get a racial connotation? Or has it always had one and I didn't realize? I'm so lost
Have to promote the Dollhouse reference, if only because I finally got around to watching the second season yesterday. Quite a nonsensical reveal in the last few episodes, but overall not too bad. But it did deserve to be cancelled
Have you seen the pictures of the Droid (Nexus) Prime? It seems to be super thin, which I think reduces the problems with having a bigger screen.
Absent some giant leap forward in battery tech or some serious software optimizations to cut down on power draw I'm not sure how they can go any thinner. If you've ever seen an x-ray of an iPhone 4 you'd know that the battery takes up over 50% of the inside space of the phone, and I can't imagine that Apple will cut…
Chantix is great. I was quit for a year and a half when I took it. Then I got in a car accident and was only going to have one to calm my nerves. That one turned into one pack turned into almost a pack a day for the last two and a half years. I'm about ready to try the Chantix again, but I'm not sure I'm ready to quit…
A different site, but it's disingenuous at best to pretend that the Gawker network of blogs is not interconnected to the nth degree. Things are regularly cross-posted from other Gawker entities, and although you have to sign into each site individually, they all use the same login info.
Heisenberg got the upper hand when the fight first started. If that guys boys hadn't jumped in and turned it into a brawl then he would have gotten his ass beat.
It's crap like this that makes me want to see a division like the SEC ditch the NCAA and start their own collegiate athletics sanctioning body. I'm sure it would hurt recruiting for other sports, but for football it would be a huge moneymaker and would free them from the idiotic constraints imposed by the NCAA.