
Most people that download child porn also share their collection. So you're taking down another uploader in the process. Not only that, but once you seize the perv's computer you can find out where they were getting their child porn, which will lead you back to the original uploader.

I think you're missing a tier of DJ, who basically just plays popular music for people to dance all night. There's no "presentation of sound" there, just some guy playing songs that people know and enjoy while they get blitzed and grind on strangers (which is by no means a bad thing.) It's basically the equivalent of

I don't think it's really laziness, it's just a matter of convenience. Sure, I could change my own air filter (or at least I think I could.) I could also sweat my balls off in 110 degree weather while doing it. But why bother when I can pay an extra 5 bucks or so over the cost of the filter to have Valvoline do it?

"Then Russell was arrested, in 2010, on purple drank-related offenses, but a grand jury declined to indict him."

75% markdown? So his prices were about the same as your average store at that point, right?

@The_International_Poise_Conspi...: Are New Balance really hipster shoes? I just wear them because they're usually about $50 cheaper than other brands and they make the best sneakers I can get in a wide size.

@Always Winning: I'm pretty sure Gianna Michaels claimed that crown when she finally did anal

@sacoplenty: Plus she's a supermodel. What are the odds that she was giving blowjobs even when they were dating? I mean, I'm sure she gave plenty to advance in her career, but at this point she doesn't really need to.

@Lady Pha Pha: Definitely a one-on-one basketball match, even though I hate basketball.

@geekymitch: I'm pretty sure it's a constraint of CDMA technology.

@Mike I: I would bet a lot of money on him flying into HPN, to either Avitat or Million Air (yes, that's the real name of the company). The only other real option is Teterboro, and they have the disadvantage of having to yield to Newark air traffic.

@AirBratz23: Let's be real. Favre probably completed that particular pass plenty of times. He probably just wasn't ready to fumble his wife away like he no doubt promised he would.

@olternaut: Assuming that Verizon approaches it like the Galaxy Tab, there won't be a contract. You'll just buy it and activate a month to month plan if you want.

@Landycakeboss: At the risk of being too nerdy for Deadspin, The Fellowship of the Ring will always be my favorite adaptation. It stayed a lot more true to the book than either of the other two, and it was one of the first book adaptations I ever saw that looked exactly like I pictured it in my head.

@MazdaMania: As much as I love my original Droid, and I'm glad Android is doing so well, you have to admit that a Verizon iPhone changes the game completely. Android's growth in the US has been solely because it's the only viable smartphone platform on three of the four major carriers.

Put some boxer shorts on Lemieux and he would fit right in in some neighborhoods

@DreamTheEndless: Don't ever buy a lock opened by TSA Keys 3 or 7. The masters are notoriously flimsy and are in fairly constant need of replacement. That's probably what happened in your case. It's unfortunate, but it does happen.

@palmerkun: Most non-TSA approved luggage locks I encountered were the flimsy ones that come with the luggage. Those could be pulled open in about three seconds by hand. The others were usually pretty heavy duty, and I'm sure take more than a few seconds to pick.

@SkipErnst: I can't comment on the body scanners, because my airport didn't have them. I imagine they can be a useful tool, but I have heard some things about the image quality they output that makes me think they're not quite ready for primetime.

Sorry, but that is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. They're basically rewarding random chance. I worked for the TSA up until last week, and I can tell you that you're just as likely to go a month without finding a single knife as you are to find three or four in a half hour rotation on x-ray.