@LCL: Googled Andy Irons because I had never heard of him. Turns out it might not have been the Dengue that killed him.
@LCL: Googled Andy Irons because I had never heard of him. Turns out it might not have been the Dengue that killed him.
@VTBen: Cut them some slack. They also gave us Community, which redeemed the entire network during the Paintball episode. Not to mention the Halloween zombie episode and the stop motion episode.
@DangerousLiberal: If you're posting on Gizmodo, you must know that moving apps to the SD card was a big part of the Froyo release. Root your phone, install a Froyo build, and quit trolling.
@priestinacloset01: Was it a crime to be black in Germany in 1936? Your statement is a complete non sequitur.
Sorry, but I missed the offensive part of all of this. If you're in a country that criminalizes a behavior, it's usually best to refrain from said behavior for the duration of your stay, if only out of self-interest. Telling people to respect the laws of the host country is just common sense.
@Now imma throw my gyroball: It's just hypocritical. They'll try to embarrass Favre for cheating on his wife in private, but someone starts grinding on her boyfriend in public, while drunk and under the drinking age, and suddenly privacy is sacrosanct. Either everyone deserves to be shamed for their actions or no one…
Leave it to the punter to be a WoW nerd.
If you get the names on the girls involved, will you publish them? Or will you cop out like you did with the Cowboys lap dancer?
"Involved in that accident in Miami where a man was killed." Really Al Michaels? Really? The man was drunk, got behind the wheel, and ran down a pedestrian. I don't care how fast Donte Stallworth is, he's still a killer.
@The CFL Allstars: According to the Steelers it's not broken. I guess if you don't do an x-ray you can't really prove that it's broken, but come on
@Antubis: While Russia may no longer be Communist, they are most definitely an authoritarian regime. Journalists and government opponents die under suspicious circumstances on a fairly regular basis, and no one really believes that elections are free and fair. Putin basically runs the country as the Prime Minister,…
@Antubis: It's Russia, what's the worst that can happen to someone who fails the government and costs it millions of dollars?
@mullingitover: Just for the sake of argument, because I know you haven't thought this through, who would judge whether or not a corporation was serving society in a positive way?
@Crisss1205: They do so have a way of knowing that: by reviewing the app before it gets onto the App Store.
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: Do I really have 9 fans?
It's nice that you enjoy soccer, and I'm sure this post is a thrill for all 9 Barcelona fans reading Deadspin. Other than that, I'll resist the urge to go negative
I'm all for this type of stuff, but comparing this to cross-pollination or domesticating animals is just idiotic.
@dinoone: If I understand you, and I'm not really sure that I do, you're saying that Apple would be able to offer lower prices than a given carrier offers for any other phone? That seems highly unlikely unless Apple were paying the difference, which would lose them money in the long run.