
@steino: Right now they get a percentage of iPhone plan money from AT&T. I'm sure they have similar agreements all over the world, or would like to work some out if they can. It would be very easy for them to use the ability to activate an iPhone as a cudgel against reticent carriers.

@robjennings: Only Apple would control which carriers you could choose. Which Apple would use to squeeze more revenue out of the carrier, lest that carrier fall out of favor with Apple and come off the list. That additional cost would then get passed on to the consumer.

@Kevster: If it were a choice between the Bahamas and the US I'm kinda surprised they ever chose the US in the first place.

@dbett: Again, they are being referred to as enhanced pat-downs when discussing them in the media. The technical SOP term is Standard Pat-Down. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

@Kevster: So your clients would rather spend the time to go through Customs rather than get body-scanned or a quick pat down?

@rmp135001: I think the attitude you go into it with determines a lot of the experience. If you come in with a bad attitude, complaining about having to remove your shoes and the like, you're bound to find at least one officer that will reciprocate with an equally bad attitude towards you.

@dbett: Nope. They are calling it an enhanced pat-down in the media to differentiate it from the other pat downs that were previously used, but the actual name for it is the Standard Pat Down. As in, it's the standard used for all additional screening now, rather than the hand-held metal detector and the variety of

I wish that TSA and DHS would do a press conference with a public demonstration of the Standard Pat-Down. They're not nearly as invasive as people seem to think, and I think educating the public would quell some of the backlash. Yes, when patting down the inner thigh there is the potential to touch the genitals for a

@npsd.42: Promoted for being informative, even if I don't see the problem with the scanners and pat-downs

Can someone explain to me why the DRM can't be part of the app and must be baked into the OS?

@ZZZYZZZ: The entire reason I bought the laptop I did off EBay was because it had a Trackpoint. I really can't get used to using a trackpad. But only the ThinkPads have them, not the IdeaPads

@whiskerbrisket: Vanna does look pretty damn hot for being over 50 years old

@Masai Andrews: I try not to block ads on my Droid, only because they're not nearly as obtrusive as ads in my desktop browser and I try to support the devs. This is making me reconsider my stance.

Anyone else notice how they changed the ad placement? It now stays up the whole time rather than disappearing after panning over to the Birds. Really bad change that makes me want the pay version

Considering you guys pussied out on naming the lap dance girl, you probably should just never mention her again.

@Always Winning: Anything could have happened after Wade decided to pass the ball instead of making the lay-up, many of which could have lead to the Heat getting no points. It's like a receiver with a wide open path to the end zone stepping out at the 1 because the fans want to see the running back jump over the pile

@Always Winning: I don't hate them, but I think this play shows everything that's wrong with the NBA. Wade had a basically wide open lay-up and passed it off to allow LeBron to get a flashy dunk.

@nolabar10der: Don't forget that a smartphone is also pretty awesome to have while going to the bathroom at work. Can't tell you how many times I've lost track of time while reading the news or playing Angry Birds while on the pot.

@Facebook: You're not really a confusing voter. The Democratic and Green parties are very similar on most issues, and the Libertarian Party is pretty closely aligned with both when it comes to social issues. As for Independent candidates, it all depends on which party they originally belonged to before they couldn't

It's the same dong-shaped emblem that was on the Yankees World Series caps last year. Obviously MLB is either oblivious or in on the joke.