
Did I miss something in that video? Seems to me that the guy was being obnoxious and the woman, rightly so, was giving him shit about it. That should have been the end of it, until she and her father decided to assault the guy. That immediately loses them the moral high ground in any of this.

@JulichsRightHooks: Don't sweat it man. Just a few comments up there are several starred commenters ragging on Sarah Palin with nary a peep from anyone. But one comment about Obama gets everyone in a tizzy. Pretty pathetic, especially considering that Republicans sat through 8 years of "Bush is dumb" jokes without

@Baby Beater Benz: Probably figured someone forgot to lock it and he was doing the guy a solid. For all we know people have forgotten to lock the gate before and the night watchman has had to cover for them.

@peesauce: The first few episodes were weak but they've been hitting it out of the park ever since.

@ClownBaby: The 6th floor is the servants' quarters.

@ClueHeywood: Wasn't Courtney Simpson an ASU cheerleader?

@ikaiyoo: Some of the UK liquid bombers were planning to bring their kids with them and using their drinks as cover for the liquid explosives.

@ikaiyoo: You're absolutely right, it doesn't make any sense. I, and just about anyone I work with, would be the first to admit that. I just enforce the rules they tell me to enforce, regardless of how stupid and arbitrary they may be.

@moonshadowkati: If Kat had actually done any research she would know that no one needs to "sneak" this past TSA. You can have tools less than seven inches in length in your carry-on. I know this because I work for the TSA, although it would have taken her maybe 30 seconds to go to the TSA website and look at the

@rj32red: I'm sure that, for a fee, they'll let delivery trucks and the like into the city. The problem is that the fee will most likely be passed onto the consumer in the form of higher prices. Not to mention the problems the consumers will have with transporting their goods back to their homes.

@a sexy hot dog: Of course not. But it's a high enough number to convince a lot of people that it can be done within budget. Then, when the inevitable cost overruns occur they'll just come to the government with their hat in hand. At that point it would be stupid to waste the work already done by not finishing the

@comodidit: How dare they force you to watch 3-4 minutes of ads instead of the usual 20 minutes on TV.

@Detective Nordberg: Yes, because we all know how tough it is for rich white guys to get laid. They have to work about as hard as athletes and celebrities.

@saikyodanhibiki: I've been using my Droid since the day after launch without a screen protector and I have no scratches whatsoever. I'm pretty careful with it, but at this point I expected at least a few minor scratches.

@hopskipper: Where did that still come from? That's the first time I've ever seen any image of Stoltz as Marty.

@pirulee4: Yeah, it's called the other 35,000 or so people trying to post on Facebook or do other things on their phones in the immediate vicinity

@SeraphX2: Were you disemvoweled or just trying to be more polite by not spelling the word?

@AC_Greens_Virginity: Was just coming here to make the same point. Asking guys to keep a C+ or so in HS and answer a few questions on the SAT correctly is not draconian.

@TomXP411: You can actually change that in the settings.