
@norbizness: Gotta love that Galarragga handled it with the class that he did. If it were me, I probably would have put Joyce in a headlock and forced him to go watch a replay.

@norbizness: I'm sure there's no precedent to it, but MLB really needs to step in and reverse the call and give this kid the perfect game he earned. And Jim Joyce should have to go and congratulate him before being drummed out of baseball for life. Guy shouldn't even ump little league

Not to thread-jack, but did everyone else just see Jim Joyce make the worst call in baseball history?

@TVGenius: That would have been funny two years ago. Now that Android has exploded for them, phones like the Voyager are afterthoughts to Verizon.

@ddhboy: Probably not until their LTE rollout. I would hope that they're smart enough to realize that they can siphon off some customers from AT&T by keeping their data rates the same. They're probably names that no one would recognize outside of Beverly Hills or the Hamptons. The famous rich people probably have much better accountants and accounts in the Caymans.

I like the idea of having the back catalog, but it should also remove the delay they put on posting some content. It sucks when I'm willing to not torrent a show and then Hulu doesn't have it posted.

I'm most disappointed that it was just a run of the mill wrist injury that put him on the DL.

I operate most days on about 5 hours sleep or less. My solution has been to take one day a week and just crash as soon as I get home. I know you can't "catch up" on sleep, but it does make it easier to make it through the rest of the week. Many times I even sleep right through until the next morning.

@Fuzzy Dunlop: I would even take it farther than that. If that was truly the context, then everyone owes Ireland a big apology. He asked the logical question given the context. The fact that everyone is butthurt over it doesn't make him wrong.

@Preopsician: I assume it's because you tire out the eventual 16 seed by making them play an extra game. Of course, considering a 16 has never beat a 1 in the first place, I'm not sure it really matters.

@HeffeD: Or you can spend 30 bucks on a slow cooker with a timer built in. Not as much of a hack, but infinitely easier and it will stay warm after the cooking is done.

@SQLGuru: For that matter, why would you buy anything for Android? I have the free WiFi Tether app on my rooted Droid. It's just a matter of flashing a kernel that allows for tethering

Am I the only one who is wondering what a 17 year old high school student was doing on Spring Break? Maybe it's because I grew up middle class, but no one I knew went on Spring Break until college.

So I guess they're trying to be ironic by naming their extension after a domestic terrorist group?

@Spielman: Seems to me that just about everyone was supportive of Penner/Daniels and it didn't make a bit of difference. Not being an asshole is just good general practice, but your implication seemed to be that people being assholes is what made the situation so difficult for him.

@Chad Sexington a/k/a CW: I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers him swinging at sliders three feet outside the strike zone.

@Sandburgh: Don't sound so high and mighty, you'd use your time machine for the same thing.