
I wish the Yankees had resigned Damon, but the price was just too high at this point. A few months ago 2 years/14 mil seemed like a bit much, but it was worth it to make sure no one made a slightly better offer to lure him away. But now it's almost February and NO ONE is interested in signing him. He should have taken

I don't own an iPhone, but here's hoping that OS 4 includes multitasking. It's kinda sad that you can't use more than one app on the phone that really started the whole smartphone revolution.

You guys are pansies. The only good thing about having mice in your dwelling is that satisfying snap sound the trap makes as another one bites the dust.

TCU and Boise State playing each other is a cop out. I'd much rather see each of them play a team from the BCS conferences. But I guess two non-BCS teams beating the chosen elite would make the BCS look pretty bad

Is this the December 11 update?

@Bosoxfan3: Can you actually name one that has succeeded? Seems to me that none of them have done anything since leaving the Pats

@SEDAGIVE?!: Unfortunately the traveler usually bears some responsibility in this too. The TSA-friendly bag is only TSA-friendly if you have absolutely nothing else in the laptop compartment. The mistake many people make is jamming their charger or a thick stack of papers in there with the computer too. Anything that

@MarkC: I can't really tell if you're being sarcastic or if you're severely brain damaged

"I don't know if you've heard, but there's a baseball game of moderate importance tonight."

@monkey314159: If it matters that much, stop being cheap and pay the 20 bucks of less for basic cable every month. #diy

@formerly Chief Wahoo: 5000 uber-expensive seats, if it was even that many. The problems with the Legends Suite pricing has been well documented, and considering they cut the ticket prices in half I'm assuming that it's fixed. #whyyourstadiumsucks

@twoeightnine: That aspect right there should have gotten the ruling on the field overturned. If Howard thought he had caught the ball, he takes the two steps to first and starts jogging off. Instead, he tried (and failed) to get the lead runner. The umps should have taken that into account when conferring. #umpires

@heavylee-again: I'm completely with you on that. I guess if you're really short on funds it's ok to drop your house down that low, but otherwise you just look like a cheap bastard that doesn't want to spend the necessary money to keep their house warm.

@inscrutablechinaman: That's how it's normally called. The SS steps off a split second before the ball gets there to avoid the runner and make the throw to first. Of course, it's not ever really as blatant as Aybar touching every piece of dirt around the bag without actually touching it.

Don't know what replay 6-4-2 saw, because every time Fox showed it they showed both angles, including the one from the third base line that showed Aybar's right foot clearly never touched the bag.

So convicted felons can play in the NFL, but you can't have an owner who is politically outspoken? That seems to be the message here. Too bad he couldn't get Tony Dungy to vouch for him.

@hector villanueva's posse: You saw the at-bat when Melky Cabrera should have walked on the 3-0 and 3-1 pitches, right? The strike zone was so horrible for both teams that TBS took down their pitch tracker for a few innings.

@sean000: As Glenn Reynolds always says, "I’ll believe [global warming is] a crisis when the people who keep telling me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis."

@nolabar10der: You've actually been allowed to carry a lighter on a plane for over two years at this point (although torch lighters are not allowed).