
What do you expect from someone from one of those shit hole countries.

Don’t ever shop amazon as your first choice. If something’s not in general supplier stock, they tend to price gouge. They have the D.Va for $25 on the blizzard store, which is noted as $5 the retail price of $30.

You are going to have a very fun few weeks. Except for the extremely sad bits. Those are sad.

Thank you for your in-depth take of a show you didn’t actually watch.

That his opinion. One that the vast majority of JRPG fans adamantly disagree with. He’s more than welcome to his opinion, but he’s the minority regarding the entire Xenoblade series.

Anyone who owns a lot of board games will know that storing them isn’t that hard. Storing them nicely, though, is almost impossible, which is why BoxThrone is trying to change that with a modular shelving system designed to accommodate any game, no matter how weird or heavy it is.

Holy shit playing your brand new Switch for the first time by binging on Breath of the Wild in a snowed-in cabin in the mountains over Thanksgiving sounds like heaven.

Thing is, this is not a 6 year old game. This is a port of the 2016 Special Edition.

Yeah this is a port of the 2016 Special Edition, but with reduced draw distance and ground clutter, not a direct port of the 2011 360 version.

Technically, it’s a slightly cut-down version of a 1-year-old remaster of a 6-year-old game.

Finally, a burial tomb worthy of my ferret!

That’s a valid approach as well. You do you!

hmm...yes...yes...I think I understand... ... ...I’ll just kick out anyone who makes fun of my “nerd stuff”

Complaining about anthropomorphic animal drawings, in a game featuring anthropomorphic animals.

It’s not useless.

95% of music nowadays is mastered like crap with audio clipping all over the place. If you actually have good audio gear, you can notice that sometimes, awful distortion that shouldn’t be there make parts of songs sound like you have a broken speaker. That’s because music is mastered too loud, and

No, they don’t have to report on fucking anything. The entire point of the free press is that they have the freedom on reporting whatever they want. Let’s see here. They haven’t reported on the fact that the Wii U loads shrines faster in Breath of the Wild over the Switch. By your logic, they HAVE to report on