Dolezal says she started identifying with the black experience at age 5 and talked about drawing self-portraits with a brown crayon.
Dolezal says she started identifying with the black experience at age 5 and talked about drawing self-portraits with a brown crayon.
Not only did she have to be African American but she was “whipped” by her parents “based on the completion of her skin.” It’s like she’s trying to out-black black people with her crap. This is some fucked up fantasy for her. She is nasty.
This lady is so wack. She did an interview yesterday for the local news and claims that she still considers herself black and those whiteys are not her parents.
I curse the person who brought this troll out of the greys.
I keep reading your comment, but it’s not helping
Yeah, it also immediately made me think how creepy it would be of the sexes were reversed.
Thank you for your very thoughtful feedback. What is the name of your style blog?
There were relatively few American White women involved, feminist or otherwise, actually. If you took even 30 seconds to use the Google-fu before blathering on about “White feminists” you would see that the organization is comprised of a pool of women who are multi-ethnic and multi-national.
Calling other people jealous bitches sure doesn’t make her seem as fun as she thinks she is.
I am in a perpetual state of mild rage at red carpet style, particularly in Hollywood: with the proliferation of…
Rich transpeople still may not wanna pay their taxes.
I just watched all three minutes of this video thinking there would eventually be a point to it, but there was not. Now that I’ve lost three minutes of my brief life, I would like to warn the rest of you: do NOT watch this boring video! Go outside! Feel the sun on your face! Smell a flower! Pet a dog! Call your mother…
Joan was being sarcastic when she said she would abandon her son. At least I took it that way.
I think Betty is a great character and not so much a repressed loon as a woman of her time, dealing with changing social mores that don’t match with what she was taught - and what she was taught made her miserable.
My dad does the same goddamn thing.
PLEASE let this be a reveal of his newest toy helicopter!
Who cares how they dressed for church. It’s not like you can offend a fictional character.
Hey, Collier? Mr. Maher’s comparison was a physical one, no more.
Ya I’m not getting the outrage here: the comparison was clearly about their appearances, which are quite similar, not their ideologies.