Shit Was Unseemly

Your point is fair. Economic inequality is the real real issue here. But, we can't just ignore the obvious fact that racism and sexism very likely had something to do with what happened, for the simple reason that Trump openly expressed and promoted disgustingly racist and sexist sentiments in the last year or so.

But where can liberals let off some steam if not the AV Club?

Looks like we got ourselves the second coming of Socrates. Get `em, you intellectual gadfly!

Arguing with that disingenuous fuck is like arguing with a child. Sure, (let's say) that's a very smart child, but he's still a child.

Guys like that are funny to watch in real life, because they are hyper-vigilant on how gay people look, touch, and react to them. I had a friend who liked going to salons for haircuts (full disclosure: me too) but would get miffed every time because his stylist "parked his hand" on my friend's nape "unnecessarily", or

I understand how it was used; I was questioning the use itself. Isn't the word "chill" mostly used today to mean "relaxed" or "laid-back"? If it had been phrased as a "Kubrickian chill" or "the chill found in Kubrick's work," it would be clearer. In that sentence, I still think "chilly" would be better. Am I wrong

Kubrickian design is "chill"? Was that supposed to be "chilly"?

I think this is what my dumbass creative writing instructor actually meant when he said write something "extremely specific but universal," instead of whatever the fuck movie he said.

Come on, man.

So you're saying…Evan Rachel Wood can get it? I've been saying that for years. No one ever enjoys it when I do, though.

Excellent point, and something that can be easily missed, even if pretty much everyone here has watched The Wire.

I don't care what anyone says! I'm watching this.

Who would've guessed Voltaire would be so eloquent!

Unripe mangoes are often paired with some form of salty sauce here. I used to eat them as a child, because all my friends at them too. I didn't like shrimp paste then; vendors used soy sauce or chili-spiked salt. It was okay. But I grew older and I realized I didn't like sour things. I can totally go out and eat some

That's a very fringe thing, though. You have to drive at least two hours from the city to see it. I've never seen it.

That's adorable.

I think it's both social class and age. All the older men in my family eat it; maybe a quarter would be characterized as "blue collar". They think of it as a treat and have, like, three in one night after getting drunk at a big family gathering. Then they don't eat one for the rest of the year. Us younger men

Where does he get his balut? I'm assuming this is in the U.S.?

Of note (for me, anyway, as a Filipino who primarily writes in English) how the author translated the Filipino/Tagalog "pampatigas ng tuhod" literally, when it's more of a euphemism for being able to fuck more vigorously.

As an unapologetic nerd in high school who also moved around a lot, I concur wholeheartedly, especially with the second paragraph. It surprises me that more people don't know that most people just bluff about their capacity for violence. Very few people use violence as a first resort.