shitstain motherfucker

Convince everyone to wear berets.

I figured this review would take a much different tone. Thank you, Luke.

6 corporations control 90% of our media, manufacturing discontent. Colbert coined the term Truthiness in 2005. This ship done sailed a while ago.

Wait? D.Va’s mech can crouch?

Define love.

Funny thing though, your belief doesn’t matter to those in power. It’s time for them to start patting themselves on the back and declaring crisis over. Move along...

Was there no attempt to get the manager’s side of the story? Does that not matter? If the story confirms our bias we take it at face value, no questions asked. We don’t let the Right get away with that shit, why should we allow it among ourselves?

How many photos do you have to sift through to find ones that make her look as idiotic as possible every time? Just curious.

And the term nigger doesn’t refer to all black people, just ignorant thugs? RIIIIIGHT...

Except when you read it on twitter it isn’t used that way. It’s used as a derogatory term for ALL white people. And words mean what people think they mean, not what you carefully constructed definitions we all know are bullshit. But that is a different discussion and has nothing to do with the article above. The

I agree with everything you say here. Also. Can we please stop trying to make wypipo a thing?

I can’t get over how far Michigan has fallen in the last decade. Between the ONGOING Flint water crisis, the ninja “Right-To-Work” legislation passed a few years back effectively castrating unions in what was once the shining heart of blue-collar America, the charter school model selling out public education to the

Get back to me when she does something substantive.

Is Gawker Media registered as a news agency?

Nobody feels the sting of Trump’s illegitimacy more than Hillary. And she ran on a platform of women’s rights. I understand her not wanting to overshadow the marches, but 3(?) tweets of support isn’t enough in my book. Maybe it’s just my overwhelming cynicism, but I feel like she avoided it all because of public

I think moving forward, “Listen to a black woman”, might be my mantra for 2017.

Can we resurrect Helen Thomas now, please?

You make a good point. Why is nobody pointing out the fact that she was nowhere to be seen?

If your “insights” include telling people how to get away with murdering the POTUS, (but not really... yeah right), you need to re-assess your need to comment, friend.

They may technically be adults, but college age students can be really fucking dumb sometimes. At least this one had the wherewithal to apologize.