What change does having a public dance party enact?
And that’s the problem right there. In their minds it’s too costly and too much work to replace every corroded pipe so they will hem and haw for the next few years until the media’s attention is invested elsewhere then come up with some patchwork “fix” that will leave the people of Flint well and truly fucked. Clean…
It’s a problem without a solution, no? hell, I still have to finish Eternal Darkness, which I purchased when it was new... Sigh. At least I don’t have to make plans for my retirement.
Hmm... How cheap does a sale need to go in order for me to purchase a label that screams, “I’m a hipster douche”?
If every white person in America that is racist, suddenly, magically stopped being racist do you believe that all of black people’s problems would disappear?
That you make this statement in the comment section of Jezebel boggles my mind.
You read the article though, didn’t you?
Ignorance never ceases to amaze me.
TLDR? Have a nice day, sir.
If you actually read my post history rather than just cherry picking, you’d realize that in this very thread I posted a comment lambasting the fact that my tax dollars will most likely go to pay for any defense he might need. I was a resident of Warren in 2013 when he was accused of evil shit the last time and I…
Cherry pick much? I can carefully select parts of some of your comments and post a funny gif too, brother, but have better things to do with my time.
Yet you feel the need to hurl insults his way? The hypocrisy of your prejudice says a lot. As do the several stars such biased vitriol illicit in this comment section. They should just go ahead and rename Gawker, “People In Glass Houses”.
Cross-posted to Kotaku as well. How is that relevant?
It’d sure be fun trying though, right?
Do you realize that by insulting this man’s appearance, equating it to his character, you are guilty of the same prejudice that he is being criticized for in the article?
Lifelong resident of Metro Detroit here... Michigan voted for Trump by a .2% margin. Your declaration that Warren is “filled” with Trump flipping Dems is most likely anecdotal and disingenuous at best.
Curious why the “slice-of-life” genre is so prevalent in contemporary anime? Why does this film need to be animated at all? Call me old-fashioned (?) but stuff like this, while interesting, will never hold the same level of fascination for me as more fantastical fare. Akira is praise-worthy anime. Ghost in the…
Obama has such a unique opportunity to become the voice of black America in 2017 without the limits placed on him during his presidency. Please, God, let him become that man. I firmly believe one of the reasons BLM isn’t more pervasive is that it lacks a clear leadership and a simply stated agenda.