shitstain motherfucker

Perhaps 2017 is the year I finally turn into a full-fledged grumpy old man. Am I the only one who is sick and tired of “Meme Culture”? It’s like anything that is even remotely funny in the slightest needs to instantly be copy-pasted to a billion different locations until it has lost any vestigial humor it may have

I don’t know enough about tick rates, latency issues, and the like to give an informed opinion, honestly. It feels like Blizzard took an rpg first, fps second mentality with overwatch to me. When compared to other multiplayer online shooters it feels less responsive, more random especially with characters like

You obviously didn’t do the simple geometry necessary.

OK, but does that mean they’ll be also fixing Hanzo and Widowmaker being able to shoot around corners? I know they always say favor the shooter, but I’ve been killed so many times by shots that were blatantly not in LOS. For all the accolades heaped on this game, it’s got very weak core FPS mechanics at it’s heart.

Didn’t your coverage help get the server shut down last time? Mike Fahey, are you a Blizzard fanboy double agent?

If we all quit our jobs because of the political inclinations of our clientele there would literally be no jobs.  

I find it interesting that it’s now 100% socially acceptable to trash talk “Whiteness”. It’s never racist because you’re not talking about white people, per se, but an oppressive system built by our forefathers and actively maintained by those in power. You’re never insulting white people, you’re criticizing an

You can level an infinite amount of criticism against Kanye, but talentless? Nah, brother has creative skill. Calling it now. 2017 is the year the public’s honeymoon phase with Beyonce ends.

Fair enough, good sir. If people want to boost, it hardly affects those who choose not to I guess. It’s hard to argue against more options for the player base.

Celebrities engage in relationships to further their career. Taylor Swift and her entourage are the perfect example. That anyone believes any of this is genuine is just silly.

You cannot learn your class instantly at level 60. There is nothing wrong with my logic. Honestly, I don’t care one way or another if somebody uses a potion to level. For me, personally, it doesn’t make sense because for me, personally playing an MMO is more about the journey than the endgame that won’t matter in 6

Three choices, two of which are among the most popular animes of the past decade? C’mon. Weak. You can do better than this.


How admirable that this woman chose the higher path, providing a much needed symbol of Muslim faith and forgiveness in our current cultural climate. She deserves the best.

carp ton. Literal LOL.


A lot of people get drunk before flying, right? My guess is that had everything to do with it.

I just need to know one thing here...

If you actually care more about equality between the races than you do about being a snarky cynic in order to impress strangers on the internet, yes, it is wrong.

TLDR; More people responding to alleged homophobia than contributing to it.