shitstain motherfucker

All coming-of-age stories should be horror stories.

Didn’t she once make out with her brother on the red carpet? She isn’t THAT good at the game, c’mon...

Nothing to do with your new overlords. Nope! Strictly because WE demanded it!

If by, “Improving”, you mean that they’ve finally caught on that there is a real market for female action figures in 2016, and are now “championing” diversity for maximum profits then yes.


Evolution works because species that cannot survive die off. Why do humans feel the need to “save” everything anyways?

I typically play Reinhardt, (more by necessity than actual desire mind you), and I am here to say that all your boosts are belong to me.

And yet you make the determination that, “Shit isn’t selling”. Where’s the proof to support YOUR narrative, hmm?

You look like dicks because many times, you are. We are. Which was kind of the point...

I agree with everything you said. My feeling is that cars ignore rules meant to keep cyclists safe far more often than cyclists do cars. Asshole bike rider downtown? I’m guessing bike messenger. Those guys are suicidal maniacs who do not give a single fuck. I’ve seen them ride full speed between two massive buses

Legally bicycles have the same rights as cars on the road. While bicycles sometimes break those rules, cars regularly ignore bicycles around them altogether. The difference is, if a car breaks the law the bicyclist is probably going to be severely injured. Worst that’ll happen to the car is a small dent.

Pop Music stars stuck on themselves. Color me surprised!!!

You don’t know what the word “great” means.

Isn’t using a faux-documentary/re-enactment format going to mess with AHS’s need to shoehorn musical numbers into every episode?

Curious which Geneva would like more, $1.9 million or the police to actually admit to wrongdoing? I just don’t understand. $1.9 million awarded means they are obviously at fault right? WHY DON’T THEY HAVE TO PUBLICLY ADMIT WHAT IS PAINFULLY OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE???!!!???

You don’t want to be publicly humiliated? Don’t do horrendous shit in public where anyone walking past can clearly see you. Public stoning is not even in the same ballpark. That is a ridiculous statement that in no way reflects what’s happening here. There is a difference between hurting your feelings and hurting you

Thank you. It amazes me how far people will bend over backwards to lay blame on those doing their best to serve and protect. They posted this picture to shame people into regretting using drugs in front of their children. Can you imagine if this was your day-to-day reality? Dealing with the worst scum on the planet?

Can I let you in on a little secret? Outside of popular media and major metropolitan areas, bigotry still rules the day. America isn’t nearly as “Progressive”, as those in NY and LA believe...

Curious how all those here a few weeks ago talking about how hilarious and awesome the nude Trump statues being left in public were would feel about this one?

The Hogan article was, “true & accurate” too, yet obviously illegal to anyone outside of Gawker’s ravenous fanbase. Perhaps these writers should realize trust is a two way street? Stop posting frivolous libel and your bosses, (who will wind up paying for your mistakes), won’t have to second guess your “ethics”?