
Possibly The Last Guardian, old Rare IP, and Metroid.

"Corey stabbed the brontosaurus. 'Shit,' he said. 'Fuck.'"

That's nice, honey.

The AV Club
Why do I keep coming here?


Oh, I agree fear of looking stupid in your own home is a ridiculous complaint. I just think the goofiness levels on that are so high that I can begin to entertain the idea.

I don't think shoes boost attractiveness that much.

There's this thing:…. I don't fall in with the crowd who says they wouldn't use the Rift because they'd look stupid, but man does that look stupid. Also fun.

You can Derelict my balls, Internet!

More like milquesteak.

I'm kind of baffled by the casting of Chiwetel Ejiofor as Venkat Kapoor.

Ah, that's what I was assuming, but that term brings a very different and unpleasant image to mind every time I see it.

Sure. I was thinking more along the lines of, for example, trying not to offend gay people while also trying not to offend homophobic people, but didn't articulate it very well.

What is manspreading? I don't want to google it at work.

I always think of political correctness as tying yourself in knots trying not to offend any group, like a politician might in a cynical attempt to maximize his or her base. The problem is you can offend one group by not offending another because humans suck.

I'm more surprised that he said "fuck" than anything else.

Ah, that's fair.

So art should only depict bad things if they aren't likely to happen in real life?

That Disney rabbit bastard?

Hey, you cut that out!