
You mean that hasn't already happened?

Maybe they just play more offline games because the online communities are chock full of toxic assholes.

Agreed. That kind of stuff is probably why I was much more cynical in high school than I am now.

Was I being harsh, or was the story harsh?

A kid in my high school no one seemed to care much about hung himself in the center stairwell one day. He was fine — a teacher cut him down almost immediately, but for the rest of the day there was much crying, gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, and vain expressions of just how damn much they cared. It was pretty

I was actually recommending this movie to my sister the night before Williams died, and was about to give it a rewatch myself.

Leather is for vikings — not sexy, gun-toting vampires.

The Bovine Joni?

So it's kind of like The Last of Us, which was already derivative (but excellent).

Rather than the death of Michelle, I really want this to expand on what the Full House Without Michelle Youtube channel started. Maybe after all these years Danny is forced to admit Michelle is a hallucination.

Last Night I Dreamt that Somebody Rightly Filed and Forgot Me

I want to hear Morrissey sing that Ramones review.

There's a masturbation joke here somewhere.


You're breaking shit_rat's heart.

I had a similar reaction. For me it's depression, but I've been having what appear to be increasingly disconcerting manic episodes since college, so I've often wondered whether or not I'm actually bipolar.

Because deliveries, man.

This gave me the weirdest mental image.

I've never been a fan of Rollins, despite being really into punk and hardcore and their various sub-genres most of my life. So I wasn't surprised or offended by what he said, and only cared enough to be snarky about it. But after reading his apology and follow-up column, I actually like him more than I did a week

You talk pretty dang good for a dead ham.