TBH right now “favor(ing) state power over federal power” sounds extra tasty crispy.
TBH right now “favor(ing) state power over federal power” sounds extra tasty crispy.
I don’t care who he nominated. If his name wasn’t “Merrick Garland” then I expect every Democrat to fight and filibuster as long as they can, as long as it takes. This was our nomination and these shitlords stole it. Anyone who isn’t onboard with that should be primaried at the earliest opportunity.
This is what America did to the Jews in WWII. We are literally repeating history and no one is stopping this.
You’re kidding, right? The natural habitats of many of these animals have shrunk to the point where they can barely sustain current populations. If/when these populations die out, that’s it. They’re gone (and yes, I know we lose thousands of species every year). But if we have breeding populations in zoos, then…
...and Daniel Day-Lewis, Daniel Radcliff, Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam, Christian Bale, Kit Harrington, Henry Cavill, Hugh Dancy, Alex Pettyfer, Aidan Turner, Robert Pattinson, Tom Hardy, Tom Hiddleston, Ben Whishaw, Jude Law, Jamie Dornan, Orlando Bloom, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Douglas Booth, Rupert Everett, Richard…
I have an insane and admittedly odd love for Martin Freeman. He is smart, witty, and has impeccable comedic timing. WOULD DO.
Her one eye already gave up the ghost, might as well go full on haunted baby doll at this point.
I’m so fucking sick of people trashing Madonna. You don’t like her, fine whatever. But I don’t get why it’s ok to call her old, ugly, washed up, crazy, trying to hard...it’s MADONNA. She hasn’t changed who she is almost 40 years and she’s not going to. As women we should applaud her for not giving in to the constant…
He is going to be so fucked by the FOIA laws he’s about to violate! I can’t wait for the Twitter melt down we’re about to witness.
After he takes office, there is a comprehensive array of rules that govern public access to what goes on, and these NDAs would have no force or effect.
More like Slaytanists!!!!
You are wrong, sir! This is the best, most magnificent song from Frozen.
You’re asking people around here to analyze this objectively. Good luck with that.
Except if you support a racist, sexist, xenophobe to lead your country, you are one, regardless of your reasoning. Obviously democrats should have done a better job trying to win votes from rust belt whites, but the people who voted for Trump don’t get a free pass on their bigoted act.
Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only…
While there, she was raped while Vandenburg recorded the attack and passed out comments.