
You should've put Jalopnik to work help buying a car for your wife. Tons of us are chilling at home bored. Come on Torch, give us something to do.

They should just drop the biggest most fastest race engine they make into 10 BRZs and call them "Final Boss Edition". I'm sure those race motors can be finicky when in a daily driver but no one is gonna drive these. They'll make Subaru easy money and the BRZs will sit in a warehouse forever. 

Yea I was looking to go that route too. The problem with that is the B16 has to be from a California car which makes things difficult. Seems like most B16 civics/del sols are few are far between. And if you do find one it’s like the day before race war prices.

I just moved to California last Summer so I’m still trying to figure out all the car laws. But what I’ve found to swap a K series into a 90s Honda a lot of work is needed, a lot more than just plopping a motor in. To get a K swap carb legal you need to have a donor car and swap in the fuel tank and a bunch of other

You are now my favorite writer for Jalopnik. Please more 80s and 90s Japanese shitbox content. I want so much to daily a K swapped Orthia but despite being "the car capital of the world" California laws make that almost impossible. I might try to find a first gen Accord wagon and swapping in a h22 but it's just not

Thats actually pretty smert. Have one really good chassis and the automakers can supply their own drivetrain. Subaru will stuff in their sideways rumbly motors, Toyota will stuff in a GR tuned i4, Nissan can fit a V6 or i6 in there somehow, Honda has plenty of nice i4s that’ll work for the new S2020, Mazda can have

I didn’t think that they are essential at first but after reading a few replies I can see why they could see them as such. Transportation is essential for sure but when the transportation a 80k new Vette is it still essential then? But on the flip side maybe someone was ready to buy a new Corolla after driving their

I was deployed once and we got Mitsubishi N200s to drive around. There were plenty of roads to take around the base but for some reason my buddy and I could never find them. Those trucks took a beating. I taught like 12 people to drive manual in one. 

Yup. I would take off the wheels put it on jacks. Then pull out the starter and plugs and say it doesn't run. Maybe take off a door or two for dramatic effect.

My wife has systemic lupus with lung involvement so we're taking this lockdown, social distancing seriously but others not so much. Despite her dad being 65 he doesn't see this as being a big deal and he went to a swap meet yesterday in a city were there was a confirmed outbreak. 

The big three will survive. Losing any of the big three will make America look weak and Trump or Biden won’t have that. I can see another cash for clunkers program with the target being on large trucks and SUVs. Gas looks like it’s gonna be cheap for awhile and with enough accounting magic anyone can afford a 35k SUV

They’ll get their bailouts and use coronavirus as an excuse to stuff in 10 more seats, charge more for airfare and have your carry-on be whatever you can stuff inside the clothes you wear. 

It needs a proper livery. Get on the photoshops and do a Subaru 555, martini, gulf, repsol, etc, and maybe a Jalopnik original. Have us vote for the weiner. 

The only thing that will save them is the long game. Millennials don’t care for Harleys but their kids might. Start selling HD scooters and powerwheels. HD bicycles with fake pipes that you can activate with a push of a button. Free HD video game apps on the smart phones. So by the time my kids are old enough to ride,

I would be considered a “young” buyer and I think that anything over $250 a month for a car is insane. I made the mistake of the $500 a month car payment once when I was a real young buyer. After I paid the car off I made a promise to myself to never have car payments ever again. 

I had to borrow some from friends and family but they're running low too. I've been eyeing sacrificial towels at Target. 

I’m still hungover from yesterday and it only took me a minute to think,” Hey, this is a national emergency, he probably should’ve deployed the National Guard.” I’m sure someone brought it up but he didn’t think it’ll work because you cant threaten coronavirus with guns.

I had a 96 Miata and a 12 mazda5 at one point. The Miata was so impractical I only drove it a few times a week. I was a stay at home dad at the time and it’s not legally possible to haul two kids in a Miata so it sat for most of the time. Four years collecting dust in a garage...

We're almost at peak carbon fiber. What's the next big thing for cars?  Spider silk. Imagine thousands of spiders hand weaving the unibody of the next gen super car. 

Take the money they would've spent on the event and make a free app where people can build, mod, and race their own Bronco. Then eventually give one away free or something.