
Guys, make a story about Lama Itigelov (Itigilov)! He's presumably in a super-deep anabiosis - buried in a box circa 1920s, exhumated in the 1990s, and still "in attendance" at the Ivolginsky Datsan, claimed to be alive. It sounds bonkers, but despite his caretakers' reluctance to let run tests on him, he is

I'm not sure if it was just because it was so short or not, but it felt very different and very unSherlock to me. Don't like 90% (if not all) of Conan Doyle's stories get told from Watson's perspective?

100% of Holmesians I have seen don't remotely think this is Doyle.

Sorry, but the two words that immediately kill any interest I might have in a project are 'found-footage', and add 'horror' to that and it sends me straight to Snoozeville.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow.

It's life Jim, but not as we know it.

We come peacefully. Shoot to kill!

The Firm.

Time travel? Not on my watch!

Next universe over, she's your wife.

Kinja seems to do that one out of every five times I hit publish.

Mazda RX-8 water pump gaskets make a good ol' cock and balls stencil

in Star Wars, the so-called technology is mostly an excuse to make things look cooler. What is the difference between an ordinary saber and a "light saber"? Well, the light saber looks cooler. Does a land-speeder actually go any faster or carry any more luggage than a used 1970s-era station wagon? Not really, but it

I think the more important keyword is 'subgenre'.…

"Star Wars falls into the subgenre of "space opera," which takes many of its elements from adventure fiction. Space opera involves plots, battles, characters and abilities on a huge, dramatic scale — all of which is true of Star

I happen to know someone who occasionally posts here and might see this and dispute it, but he used to defend every single criticism of Star Wars with, "IT'S SPACE OPERA!" (You know I love ya, Doc)

I don't think it is science fiction, because the technology is just there. There is no part of SW that cannot be told without its technology. All you have to do is have the characters going from island to island, on steamboats, fighting with rapiers. Replace Chewbacca with a Big Negro™, R2D2 with a monkey with a

You know what? You might have something in that "Brazilian" quip. Many character names in the Star Wars prequels are rip-roaringly funny in [Brazilian] portuguese.

Space opera is a sub-genre of science fiction. And Star Wars is primarily FANTASY, not SF. Don't let the spaceships and androids fool you. There's not a lot of science to be found anywhere.