Ask Clarkson if he wants a sandwich.
So, Chris Evans and the Zenos. He tells us it’s got the oily bits from the Ford Focus - but does that mean it’s front engine and front wheel drive? Or front engine rear wheel drive? Or mid engined? Or is it four wheel drive? Evans either didn’t know or didn’t think it important enough to tell us. Not a mistake that…
Only another 24MB and it would have been the Skoda Gigabyte.
That top image isn’t showing for me either - and I’m on a desktop using Chrome. But at least the comments are showing this time - half the time they don’t.
When I saw the title for this piece I thought it was going to be a link to Terry Bisson’s story The Hole In The Hole - a science fiction story about old tyres, self service Volvo wrecking yards and moon rovers and stars possibly the only Volvo P1800 in a science fiction story. Well worth a read if you haven’t already…
If you’re in the UK free to air TV channel Quest is covering the start, finish and a few other times during the day - about 5-6 hours total.
Breaking news - Andy Wilman resigns from Top Gear.....
HIGNFY is made by an independent production company which they sell to the BBC. They can employ anyone they like, I believe, and the BBC just has to suck it up. Good on them I say.
The perfect getaway car - it’s red - no it was silver - no it’s red - etc etc etc.
The problem with all the suggestion for new presenters is that Clarkson, May and Hammond all had experience as motoring journalists long before they joined Top Gear, so despite all the cocking around they knew what they were talking about when it comes to cars. Jodie Kidd Chris Evans etc are just celebs who like cars…
According to this weeks show it's going to be happening soon on a neutral track somewhere.
Just how tall do you have to be to sit on that?
Don't forget Lamborghini also make tractors so that thing fits right in the line.