
Bollocks, not this shite again. the Daily Mail is basically Gawker now?


We've found a lot of planets, but very few of them -if any- might be harboring life intelligent enough and advanced enough to be putting out the kinds of signals that would fully distinguish them from background noise. Most of those planets are gas giants, or have years measured in a few hours due to their absurdly

My posts are all grey! Why do I bother?

Years ago I was approved (and nearly starred). Now I'm gray. So be it, I guess.

Yes. Sometimes birds like geese and ducks who wade around shallow water get fish eggs stuck to them, and when they rinse off in another pond they deposit the eggs.

Purely anecdotal but believable if you think about it: The Spitfire 1500 was a wheezing smog-gear-choked example of the British car industry in decline, but with the overdrive gearbox and a proper tune and a steady foot they're said to get close to 50 miles per gallon. A small engine and small body and narrow tires


Ford Fusion

Call me stupid, but I kinda like the Aston Martin muscle-car'ish styles from the 70's. 1970 DBS

Crisp Packets. Millions of little slips of foil and plastic are constantly being added to the archaeological record, each of which is printed with the date on which it was supposed to be disposed of. Future researchers into Stratigrapy won't know how lucky they are!

Amy's going to be pissed when she find out they drew her looking 40 lbs heavier. (Has nobody in the early 19th century seen a life preserver before?)

Now playing

That's fantastic. If y'all enjoyed that, there's also this:

That would be awesome to know that

> there's a fair chance that he (and all the rest of us) are directly descended from Jesus

One of the authors of the original book has pretty much disavowed it. Also, the other tries to use the book as proof he is a descendant of Christ.

Seriously, I have never met a left-handed person who wasn't intelligent as fuck.

For the love of god will someone please let Steampunk aficionados know about number 8? I'm really. Really. Really. Really beyond tired of hearing about Steampunk.