
Why not just get the pregnant ladies, and get the milk for free? :)

A lot of that damage probably came from Wolowitz driving it into a ditch...

Possibly a little known fact...

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GIFs? No thanks. The files are too big and I can't selectively load them as I wish. Instead I'll just embed streaming video.

No place is safe - no place is at peace. There is no place where a women and her daughter can hide and be at peace. The war comes through the air, bombs drop in the night. Quiet people go out in the morning, and see air-fleets passing overhead - dripping death - dripping death!

"... using computer graphics technology..."

All these scientists to study the beginnings of the cat domestication process, but none of them can tell us when we'll actually accomplish it?

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Though I loved him in almost everything he did .. .scratch that, I loved him in everything he did, even if some of it (the movies, like Preminger's "Rosebud", not Mr. O'Toole) was not very good ... his "Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell" is one of my favourites just because it is simply him onstage for an hour or so.

Fifth time she's escaped; clever girl.

There's not enough Die Hard in this pitch. Willis it up by 20%.

Only, it would not be pretend, like it is in the Millennium Falcon.

The video is 9 minutes, 18 seconds long. Someone was thinking.


I did. Here try this one

Here is one for the 911, don't forget to push play and turn the speakers up.

Ace Rimmer from Red Dwarf.

Indeed. (I had a principal growing up who believed nobody should be allowed to make use of any technology they didn't have at least basic understanding of. I'm sure he meant radios, cars etc., but we would probably benefit from a much broader application...)

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well. . . .

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How much does search engine optimization play into how effectively a story is picked up virally? If a story contains rhetoric that is more likely to get passed on, even if it's "important" — famous names, scandal — does that play a role?