
That nice chap is John Noakes - he used to present Blue Peter - a popular kids TV show.

f you want to import one, these people will sell you a rebuilt Military spec 90 for £8995...

It's just you.

Ha Ha.

When it sounds like Satan gargling with the souls of the doomed.

Sheepskin because it's warm in winter and cool in summer. Jensen used to put sheepskin inserts in their leather seats on the bits you actually touched.

Well spotted.

Science Fiction writer Charlie Stross has an interesting take on what the interiors of cars might be like in the future.....

Sorry but nobody in London carries around brass knuckledusters. It's just not the weapon of choice. We do not live in the 1930s.

If it's half the size it's an eighth the volume, so $100,000.

Where do I apply to be henchman? I have many years henching experience

The cheapest new car would be the one that gets all the depreciation out of the way as soon as possible and becomes an appreciating classic. You could get plus numbers here.

" Battery factories in the U.S. are running at between 15% and 20% of capacity. "

Yeah I just opened it up in a new tab and it was still unreadable.

Rolls Royce Camargue

Rolls Royce Camargue.

I actually saw one of these on the road a week or two back. I only looked at it because I thought it was the new Fiesta with its AM lookalike grille. That must be a first time ever - disappointed by an Aston when I was expecting a Ford.

But surely, this is the original that they're all copying.