
The phone rang.

"Gentlemen, I've called you all here to the Oval Office so you can download your Robot Overlord's new budget plan.

"Gentlemen, I've called you all here to the Oval Office to give you your Robot Overlord's new budget plan.

The Morgan - Because it's already been made forever.

Or is the world actually heading for another ice age and the only thing stopping it is all the co2 we're pumping out?

"Hi there handsome."

Haven't seen this, so haven't got an opinion.

Fast Police Cars you say?

"I'm sorry Amy, but you really can't dress like that for Halloween. Leela will be furious."

Is it just me or does she seem to have one gigantic hand?

Hilarious! Good one.

Why so?

Too obvious?

Car, Man, Gear.

How long will it be till there's at least a TV movie about it.

It's good to see the re-entrant (I think that's what it's called) curve back with the F type.

Your welcome.

There's a good article from David H. Freedman on this same subject. Good stuff.

no poll showing for me!

Yep. Wooden wonder.