You can get a replica xj13 - don't know how much though.
You can get a replica xj13 - don't know how much though.
"That's the last time he'll be paying booty calls on my Esmeralda."
I really wouldn't recommend " press it together and play with it at your leisure"
You missed out global warming.
It'll be interesting to see how it works out. I await his passing with interest.
He's recorded as saying that he will be last of his line - in that he isn't going to be reincarnated but also he's the last Dalai Lama.
i liked Once Upon a Time in the Wet - An English western.
Doesn't sound a bit like Elvis!
The Bi Lebowski
So presumably they're now sharing toothbrushes?
Surely the answer to this question is always.......
So, things get warmer, there's more free energy around, so animal and plant organisms take advantage of this and prosper.
"Do you remember the sixties?"
The pinhole link should be....
When I first looked at it I thought it might have been a Radford mini - super expensive when new (Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr had one), which would have been NP all day.
Thanks that works.
No we can't check out the calculator.....
It fell down with me when I got to Map the result to a letter of the alphabet, where A=1, B=2 and so on....
"If you don't want to click through the gallery you can see the post in a single page right here."