
They use a Mercedes straight six to start the starter motor for it.

You call that an engine?

So can anybody paste up a section or two from both versions so we can see the differences?

Or try the Pirx the Pilot stories.


Here's the link.....

Here's another view of the same jetpack (I think).

I was going to mention this too.

That's not a jumpsuit, it's a shellsuit - they were big in Liverpool in the eighties.

I believe the royal family regularly take shooting breaks in Scotland.

That's what my girlfriend said.

In England in the 1950s, purchase tax was payable on cars (can't remember the exact rate).

And then there's the book that precedes them all - Laughing Gas - the only book of P.G. Wodehouse that could be classed as science fiction. If you haven't read it, it is hilarious.

No 4 reminds me of Barry the talking sprout from the Robert Rankin books.....

Surely this is why taking care of a pet keeps oldsters on the ball?

I'd heard that dozens of drivers had been marooned.

Reliant Robin. By a long chalk.

Want one and want it now.

Friend of mine had one in white with a cream interior. Gorgeous.