
Oh that's just soooo bad (in a bad way, not a good way), gimme a Morris Traveller. Real wood, and structural too.

Well, there's no such thing as a new idea is there?

The Bond Bug - a fine piece of 70s cheese.

Go to the fishing tackle shop and buy a pint of maggots. Pour them into the car from the sunroof or open window (maggots like the dark and will hide under carpets, in corners etc). The car will be filled with flies for weeks to come.

Buy now before VAT goes up to 20%

LED Headlamps.....mmmmmmm.

The happiest looking the world.

You can't beat a mini.

Now playing

Here's Tom Ford & Tiff Needell riding one of these at the Ilkley trial.

History of the thing here....

Back Seat Dodge

Yes, but wouldn't you rather get into a chase with this......

Was that an MGA that went zooming past 16 seconds in?

@damnelantra™: Yes, small guys who are be quick to adapt can survive, it's the big boys who are going to hurt.

As far as I can see, what's happening to carmaking in the USA is exactly what happened to the UK car industry thirty years ago.

It sucked because when a car can turn a triple somersault, change it's tyres while doing so and land on it's wheels and still carry on racing, there's no feeling when a car crashes and burns - it's completely arbitrary.
