
Um no, this was Justice for the first amendment that happened to benefit a rich guy.

What the fuck is up with people and these ‘dick sucking bootlicker you want elons cum’ comments. That dude was making fun of Gawkers shitty legal team. Didn’t defend musk at all. Seems people are just wanting to be hateful for the sake of being hateful for the most remote sense of possibly defending someone - don’t

If that makes you feel superior, you might need to get out of the house more.

Two words : sidewall stiffness. Putting 16s or 17s on this would massively detriment the suspension characteristics of this car, not to mention contact patch and brake clearance. Plus, these aren’t small GC Imprezas of yester-year. They need 18+ wheels.

Im with you. I’ve had 3 wrx’s, a GC 2.5 RS, XV and an STI. (And a partridge in a pear tree) I currently own a 981 Cayman S. The comment is correct. I love STIs and Subies. I miss mine all the time, but I’ll be damned if I don’t love my Cayman and the BRILLIANT experience it gives you every time you get in it.

So, I own a 15 981CS and sold my 13 STI for it. I LOVE my Cayman (f’cking LOVE it), but often miss my STI. STIs are great cars for the money. Dollar to enjoyment value is strong with the Subaru. Also owned a 17 wrx. (was the wife’s, sold it for an 18 Cayenne S - great deal on a CPO, couldn’t pass it up. My brother

Thanks Reagan!

Ill get you milled accuracy to .0001 using stress relieved tool steel or any other metal you want. Feel like some A2? Feel like some Inconel die?(Inconel would have an awesome weight and be almost impervious to any use wear) that would actually be cool... One moment while I start the CNC.

Absolutely not.   I don't have cable and believe pretty much any TV news is filtered, polarized shit.

What in the actual fuck.  That's the plot of a corporate conspiracy thriller movie.   Thanks for the recap!

I went to the University of Utah. Graduated with a BS in IS - Information Systems. I tried to double with IS and EE - electrical engineering, but it was too damn hard so I only made it through 2 years of the EE curriculum. I lived alone in a 1 bedroom apartment and worked full time, yet, I made it work. It took me a

Do you?

That is how private industry works. It’s how likely you and is how I work. I have state labor laws and my personal employment contract as protections. I can negotiate my own salary and compensation plan and have the ability to make my own decisions regarding employment. Most of all, I decide if I want to stop working

This comment proves you have no idea what you’re talking about and just regurgitating a dumb ass trope you thought was clever.

What the fuck are you on about. This has jack shit to do with fox news or conservative union workers. piss off so the adults can talk.

Yup. Yup. Yup. Modern unions are worse than the companies they are supposedly trying to protect the workers from. More people need to realize that modern labor laws have essentially replaced the majority of what unions accomplished when they were formed.

Yu have no idea how modern union leaders have become. They RARELY protect the actual workers and are looking out for their own payoff. Just ask the Hostess union how their demands worked out.

You do know that the time for unions being hugely positive for workers is just about over right?

My new plan is to take the Marriott or Hilton shuttle to their properties on Century and then request from there.  Hopefully everyone else doesn't also think of that.

People that are saying ‘suck it up’ or ‘fly into another airport’ are pretty obviously not frequent flyers. It’s easy to say when you can sit back and look at others problems, but for people that make these trips weekly (like myself, unfortunately) it causes monstrous amounts of problems that you’re stuck with because