
Wow. Insightful. You’re probably the very first person people go to for advice, right?

Guaranteed.  Porsche interiors are arguably the best in the business.

God I love BaT.  I've bid on far too many cars there and won far too few.

I absolutely want to buy that Cayman.  Any hints on how I can hook up with that seller?

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

That person is a victim of having an opinion so strong it negates all reading comprehension.  Shits going around these days.

That shit is deep right there.   And I'm not even high.

You’re blind, Mr. Charger guy.

People think the front end is bland? That’s crazy. It’s anything but. If the NSX is bland, then all Porsches and Audi’s have to also be considered outright stale.

Didnt know we are supposed to outrage as this level of stuff now too. What next, Whoppers? Wait...damnit

For anyone who doesn’t know better, the mouseover on this one is also hilariously relevant.

.5x= all the monies better?

Lol at WRX license plate.

“Finish him!"

Its quite likely it's covered with a polycarbonate or lexan layer to guard against just that.

I never had a ticket in my old wrx and sti over a span of 7 years.  I know, crazy, but true.

These stories are crazy.  I had a wrx then an sti for almost 7 years and never got so much as a look from cops.

And you just validated another VW statistic.

The scary thing a out that picture is that it ALMOST looks correct *shudders*

I dunno, Limitless was pretty damn good.