
By the way, if you read the source article you’d know the following:

Its in the fucking news article.  Your 'citation' is above your comment.

it’s absolutely dangerous.

Wait, so they caused her to make the decision to run?

Pre-fucking-cisely. These cop haters are the first ones to scream for them when they get robbed/need help/etc.. “Fuck Cops but you better come in 30 seconds when I need help.  But drive the speed limit.   And obey traffic signals.   And watch out for school zones.  But hurry the fuck up"

But remember, this whole thing is the fault of the Police. They made her go commit fraud. And get drugs. And speed through a school zone. And put the entire planet at risk of an accident.

Uh no.  No they are not.   Starting wage in many departments for a street cop is around $30 -$40k.   

These people are seriously fucking deranged. Im floored that people are placing ALL the blame on the cops. ‘oh, fraud is no big deal. Nobody gets hurt from it. The gov/banks will cover it, no prob. They made her run from them. They shouldn’t have turned on their sirens. They should have apprehended her more

Uh, everyone here? Have you not read any of these posts? Nearly everyone is saying that they should NOT have pursued this criminal. Some suggesting so because it ‘was not a violent crime’

Who insinuated that this was like an action movie? I think you’re the delusional one for immediately thinking a criminal is legit and on the up and up. This isn’t a flat blame the police scenario - sure, they could have stopped and there was ample reason to slow the hell down, but hey, she could have stopped when she

Im in awe at the belief that its the COPS who are to blame here and not someone with illicit narcotics, check forgery and stealing identities (and money. And the banks money who have to write the fraud off which raises transaction fees and forces everyone to pay more)

Im quite surprised that mainstream culture now thinks identity fraud (and illicit narcotics) are no big deal and not worth pursuing.

Im not sure everyone actually even read the document attached.

You're fucking ugly Santa.

Yup. My 14 Cayman has 17k and 17 taco has 11k and 17 wrx has 12k. If you have multiple cars and work from home, it's AMAZING how little miles you put on cars.

Youve obviously never registered a car in Europe.  What we pay here is pennies compared to most of Europe.

I feel like there is an Altered Carbon reference in there somewhere....

Omg.  Jane's ATF was quite easily one of my favorite all time games.  Jane's.   Damnit.  Why aren't they still around.   I'd love to see a Jane's flight simulator make use of my new RTX2080.   I just got kinda sad thinking about that - damn you.

I miss my F-15 Strike Eagle II. Spent several years of my life with that game.

I think you missed your own point.