Interestingly, neither does yours. Which if you watched the video, you'd clearly see.
Interestingly, neither does yours. Which if you watched the video, you'd clearly see.
Damn. I like you dude.
You’re an idiot. 1) I am a minority fuck head. You have no way of telling who is who via a comment so quit making stupid generalizations and assumptions that everyone who disagrees with you is ‘a white dude that hates women and Brown people’ 2) they don’t ‘kill a ton of minorities’. You have a very strong and idiotic…
What makes it shitty is 12 Mill in requested damages. The suit itsself, they are trying to protect their TM. Totally get that and they legally have to file suit to protect it, but being pissed about the SLCC advertising and claiming that r-tarded amount of money in damages is off the rocker.
Its shitty they went directly by way of lawsuit and 12 MILLION IN DAMAGES - wtf. It’s NOT shitty by trying to protect their TM. TM law REQUIRES that companies actively protect their TM, however lame it is. You can lose a TM if you do not try and enforce it as you are essentially saying "yeah. It's generic as shit…
Well, if sdcc DOESNT go after everyone else after this ruling then the appeal will be easily won - (which i hope it is anyway being a SLC resident myself). If you look into Ferrari, or Nissan (the whole Nissan computers thing. That one is a fun one) or any of the past big names that have gone after the little guys,…
Suing on the basis of customer/public ignorance has always seemed so wrong to me, yet here we are. Hell, that’s just about the basis of all lawsuits nowadays.
Woh, wait, what? So just because someone has an interest in something you don't like/agree with you immediately think that everything they say is a lie and that they have mental problems? People like you are the problem.
What? You have no idea what firearms laws exist, fucko. I absolutely want to empower states to do more to take action against derainged assholes wth firearms. You obviously didn’t read my post and projected shit I said nothing about. So why don’t you just go along and play hide and go fuck yourself.
Dude, read down the thread a bit farther. There are some really fucking stupid people commenting. They obviously miss posting on Gawker.
Moral Bankruptcy? What in the FUCK are you on about?
You commented on the wrong board. Jezebel and the Root are two more clicks down on the menu. People on jalop don’t immediately assume every comment is a misogynist and race based attack targeted at you and to be offended by every comment made.
Really, you immediately went there. I forgot what a shithole Jalop turned into after Gawker died.
Some people aren't fit for commenting.
Or to the idiot commenting, every cop is automatically a bad guy because he is a cop.
So you didn't watch the video either eh?
You are an absolute fucking idiot. You obviously didn’t even watch the video.
Bingo. People keep failing to recognize that the government that they are putting so much faith in to make laws against guns is the same government that FAILED TO STOP THESE KILLERS. Law enforcement was notified multiple times, multiple branches and nothing. It’s the system that failed, not the law and most definitely…
Id love to see some information regarding the laws that get repealed because a state doesn’t want to go “against the NRA” you make it sound like it’s commonplace and is happening on a regular cadence, but I’ve not once heard of a state gun law repealed for fear of the NRA.
He did. You’re just pissy it’s not the answer you were looking for.